In 2002, Dr. Daniel J. Griffiths felt a calling from the Lord to prepare for a great harvest. The word was, “Build Me an ark!’
Puzzled by the juxtaposition of “harvest” and “ark,” Dr. Griffiths began searching scripture in an effort to understand the meaning of the command.
He found that there are three kinds of “arks” mentioned in the Bible, each with a precise pattern to be followed in its construction.
Noah’s Ark. The image is one of rescue and deliverance from God’s judgment of sin and rebellion. Noah built the ark of Genesis 6 – 8 according to detailed instructions given to him by God. Through it, Noah, his family, and the animals that God brought to him survived the Flood.
The Ark of the Covenant. This ark, which God outlined for Moses in exacting detail in Exodus 25, manifested the presence of God and His throne on earth. It bore His glory in the midst of His chosen people, and represented a binding covenant relationship between Him and them.
The Ark of Christ. This ark is seen in John 1:14, where the apostle John writes, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” Man beheld Jesus’ glory as the only begotten of the Father — the glory of God come to earth in a human vessel, rather than one made of wood overlaid with gold. Here, the pattern of the ark is every believer “being conformed to the image of Christ.” (Romans 8:29)
The two arks of the Old Testament pointed ahead to the Ark of the New Testament, and to the qualities that should be in the lives and ministries of all Christians.
So, to “build an ark” in the present dispensation is essentially to build up God’s people according to the image of Christ. The Ark of Christ enfolds the two Old Testament arks. In it are both rescue and deliverance, and the covenant presence of God’s glory — within every believer and church.
The Work of ARK International
ARK International’s objectives target two key areas:
- We seek to bring the Ark of Christ (Christ-likeness) back to the center of Christian life. We need to have our first love (Revelation 2:4) restored, and have right hearts before God.
- We seek to raise up a new generation of leaders: Young Samuels who hear God’s voice and obey it with zeal.
- We declare the time for truth against a fatalistic attitude in the church about the last days. We seek to inspire courage in the face of growing dangers, and “audacious” faith — believing now is the time to step out and see amazing works of God.
Bringing in the Harvest
- As churches are renewed, we expect to witness the sovereign attraction of God at work — drawing people to Himself, with His church becoming brighter and full of His glory.
- We partner worldwide with like-minded ministries, building a relational net that will enable the discipling of an ever-greater harvest.
- We seek to encourage the formation of ARKs — that is, cooperative efforts in which every church, denomination, and Christian ministry in a city will unite around the person of Jesus Christ and the Great Commission. Their unique giftings and callings will form a “spiritual container” into which the coming harvest can be gathered and discipled.
- We seek to move in powerful, supernatural giftings, partnering with ministries of the prophetic, the apostolic, and healing.